What Makes the Perfect Retirement Gift Ideas?
Regardless of whether one is climbing up the corporate ladder or building a multi-million dollar business empire, there will come to a point where you would say ‘enough is enough’.
Well, the term enough is highly subjective. There is no universal bar to define what constitutes enough. It also depends the age at which you are retiring.
The fact that there is no single compulsory retirement age makes the search for the best retirement gift ideas one of the toughest gift hunting process.
If you are looking for retirement gift ideas for dad or maybe your hubby, this handpicked list of best retirement gifts for men might be helpful.
In this article, I’ll try to present few of what I thought would make great retirement gift ideas. The spectrum of ideas is extremely wide and I know I’ll not be able to cover all the possible ideas. But I hope to at least cover 80% of it and I’ll be good.
So, let’s start!
What Makes the Best Retirement Gift Ideas

If you are living in America and you are buying a retirement gift, it can be for someone as ‘young’ as 60 years old or as ‘old’ as 70 years old.
How did I end up with such ballpark figures? Because 59.5 is the age where you can start withdrawing from your 401(k) savings without penalty and 70.5 is the age where you have to start making withdrawal.
Of course the age is slightly ranging depending on the country that you’re living in. But you get the idea.
First Thing First: Pick a Theme
I know this is not the first thing that came up to most people’s mind when they kick start their retirement gift hunt. It is always easier to make the jump and only to realize that the retirement gift theme is important.
Why do I say it is important? Think about this. In most cases (that I’m aware of), you only give 1 retirement gift and that will be all. No one is stopping you from buying one yearly, but most sane folks wouldn’t do that.
I certainly want my gift to be meaningful. Don’t you? If you do, then it is only logical that you buy a gift that your man (whether it is your dad, uncle or hubby) will find useful during his retirement years.
And that will vary from individuals. Some folks who are more fortunate than others, may have more savings to let them travel around the globe more frequently. Some folks prefer to spend quiet and peaceful days perfecting things that they haven’t mastered before. Things like gardening and golfing fit into this category.
Of course there is another kind of retiring individual who seems to have almost everything in the world. In this case, you may want to think about gag retirement gift ideas instead of the more serious stuffs.
Now do you see why it is so important to pick your gift theme even before setting yourself off for some retirement gift ideas hunt? I believe you do.
The Perfect Gift Ideas for a Man’s Retirement
Let’s start off with the more ‘serious’ retirement gift ideas.
Garmin Hiking GPS
If you know that your man is going to spend nearly 75% of his retirement days on the road, traveling to places that he’s never seen before, what makes better present other than some handy GPS tracking and navigational assistance?
I see Garmin hiking GPS to be the perfect gift for this case. Produced by the world leader in GPS technology, this is one of the best in its class. In addition to the GPS navigational assistance, the device comes with a camera and a time keeper.
If you know your men will be spending a lot of time hiking and covering some of the most beautiful places in the country, this is one gift idea that you want to seriously consider.
Golf Accessories
I know that by the time we are in the 60+ age bracket, we stand no chance of becoming the next Tiger Woods. But who can stop us from mastering that swing or improving your best personal records when you’re on the green?
I’m not sure why but golf seems to be more associated with retirement lifestyle more than anything.
If you know your man is going to spend lots of his time on the green, getting some golf accessories would definitely be appreciated. From golf manual to golf club set to simple accessories. There are plenty of ideas to choose from.
Gardening Tools
Personally, I love gardening. I always have this fancy idea that when it comes to my retirement, I’d love to be build my dream garden.
I love the idea of plucking apples from tree planted on my own backyard. I love the idea of plucking basil leaves grown on my garden and make my own pesto sauce. I love to see flowers of different color blooming in front of my eyes as I watch it every day.
I know I’m not the only one with such fancy dream. If you think your men fit in the picture, consider getting some gardening tools that will help him realize the little fantasy he has within.
From lawn mower to gardening kit. From the seeds to the trees. Your options are endless.
Add a Flair of Gag
I know not everyone loves to be getting ‘serious’ especially when it is all about retirement that we’re talking about. Well, in this case, look out for gag retirement gift ideas that are unique and hillarious.
Funny Signboards
There can be a lot of fun if it just means fiddling with words. Funny signboards make great retirement gag gifts for men.
I believe this is quite self-explanatory and I don’t think there is much for me to elaborate here. A picture says a thousand words. These pictures say it all!
T-Shirts, Mugs or Whatever
Not everyone loves to go for signboard. Don’t ask for a reason. It is just the case.
If you are one of them, then getting such personal accessories as t-shirts, mugs or walker make awesome gifts too.
The Best Retirement Gifts are Ones that Celebrate One’s Golden Years!
Retirement is supposed to be our golden years (provided you have enough savings in your 401(k) account) where we can do whatever and whenever we want to do.
But it doesn’t mean finding the right retirement gifts for your man can be accomplished in one day. There are many cool gift ideas that are inspiring. Good luck!